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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Project IGI : I'm Going In System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2004-12-28 20:16:03 Views : 33861 Cheat Codes (demo version) At the main menu, type "nada" to enable cheat mode. Then while playing a game, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function: Enemies don't shoot Go project IGI installed folder then goto commenai backup the folder ai, There will some files like "civlian.qvm" ,"guard.qvm" like that names of enemy's copy the file "civlian.qvm"[ctrl + c] and paste it [ctrl + v] in that same folder, if willbe like copy of civlian.qvm then rename enemy's files into some other names then then rename copy of civlian.qvm into name of enemy's files like guard etc..then start the game then enemy's willnot shout you or kill you,If thay see you than thay will run away like civlian. Easier kills If you want to kill an enemy but dont get trouble do like this! press space and find an enemy about 200m or closer awey from you look at his stumik and press space again. Take the wepon AK45 and just klick one time (just one shon not 2 or 3) (poof) not (trrrrr) if his dead.... You are good! I shoot an sniper on 260m 3 times and hi was moving. RESULT - CHEAT CODE God mode for player and team - allgod Infinite ammunition - allammo Easy mode - easy Kill enemies - ewww Third level tip When you are in third level, first try to shoot guards from a distance where they can't see you. from outside i.e from mountains hit soldiers ones or twice so that they understands that you are their & they come outside, run on mountains or the position where game starts, then they watch over mountains & turn back to go. Then run & kill them from back (it works,which is quit easier than natural). Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Project IGI : I'm Going In cheat codes.
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